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Faces of SMRT - Vigneshwaran S/O Gunasegaran, Track Access Controller

Vigneshwaran S/O Gunasegaran

“10 years ago, I was a technical officer but now I manage track access and it’s so different. It’s amazing how we get many opportunities here, at SMRT.”

Vigneshwaran S/O Gunasegaran is a Track Access Controller at SMRT, dedicated to ensuring the smooth and safe operation of our railway network. Working tirelessly through odd hours when most are asleep, Vignesh finds fulfilment in the challenges he faces, knowing that his role plays a crucial part behind the scenes, operating 24/7 to maintain track integrity and safety.

With a background of 10 years as a technician officer, he now oversees management of track access for maintenance, leveraging his experience to implement comprehensive safety protocols and ensure the well-being of his team. As a Union leader, Vignesh advocates for his colleagues, prioritising their safety and that of commuters above all else.

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