Track maintenance is an important aspect of SMRT’s rail operations, and it is done daily to ensure commuters can enjoy a safe and comfortable ride in our network. In the last few years, we have significantly increased the number of train trips to meet commuters’ demand for higher train frequency.
This also means we have to step up track maintenance activities, such as rail grinding and rail replacement involving heavy machinery, hammering, cutting and/or joining rails with use of a generator to provide power. Occasionally, we employ a Tunnel Ventilation Fan to provide ventilation for tunnel work. All these activities can cause considerable noise. However, we assure residents living in affected vicinities that every effort is made to minimise inconvenience.
Tracks can only be maintained after passenger service hours, as any maintenance during passenger service hours will disrupt service and inconvenience commuters. When the train network closes, our maintenance staff have less than four hours (between 1am and 4.30am) to complete these works.