Getting around

Fares & Claims

Commuters are charged a fare according to the total distance travelled on buses and trains (MRT and/or LRT), and this is based on the shortest travel path. For more information, click here.

To find out the fare for your trip, you can use the Land Transport Authority’s Fare Calculator.

Commuters can use stored value cards (i.e. EZ-Link and NETS FlashPay cards, concession cards) or account-based ticketing (ABT) options to travel in the network. For ABT, commuters can use contactless bank cards (i.e. Mastercard, Visa, NETS), mobile wallets such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay, and account-based EZ-Link cards. Both the stored value cards and ABT options offer commuters more savings and convenience over a standard ticket. On buses, you can also opt for cash payments.

To find out more about concessions, please click here.

Fares and Claims 1 Fares and Claims 2

Commuters who misuse concession cards, do not pay or underpay their fares on public transport services will face a penalty fee, as set out by the Public Transport Council’s enforcement guidelines. 

SimplyGo, on behalf of the public transport operators, will provide commuters a credit refund of the fare deducted due to Trains service disruption and/or fare related claims.

Commuters may file a claim from the incident date or refer to SimplyGo for farecard matters:

  1. Download SimplyGo app and submit through the mobile application
  2. SimplyGo portal
  3. SimplyGo Ticket Offices (For card-based holders only)  
  4. SimplyGo Hotline 1800-CALL-ONE (1800-2255-663), open from 8.00am to daily and close on public holidays

(Please leave a voicemail after the operating hours)

Fares and Claims

Assistance & Accessibility

To assist Visually Impaired Commuters:

  • Our staff are here to help. Visually impaired commuters can approach our staff to guide them to the platform. When they alight, our staff will be on hand to facilitate their exit.
  • Tactile ground surface indicators at our stations guide visually impaired commuters from the ramp entrance to the station, past the wider fare gates, to the lift that leads to the platform. At the platform, these indicators warn visually impaired passengers that they are close to the platform edge. There are also indicators that lead to the Passenger Service Centre and the disabled-friendly toilet located at the station. These indicators can be detected with a cane or foot. 
  • Braille plates on lift buttons at all stations.
  • Audio cues. Station names are announced as the train pulls into the station and audio instructions are provided for transfers at interchange stations. As the train departs, the name of the next station will be announced.
  • Guide dogs accompanying visually handicapped commuters are allowed onboard trains and in train stations. Guide dogs can be distinguished by a special harness worn around the body.


To assist Hearing Impaired Commuters:

  • Rail Travel Information System (RATIS) on platforms indicate the arrival time and destination of the approaching train. 
  • SMRT Active Route Map Information System (STARiS) are dynamic route-maps located above train doors on North-South and East-West lines trains. STARiS provides journey information such as the station the train is approaching, and the side of the train door that will open when it arrives at the station. In addition, a Fluorescent Display mounted on the ceiling of the carriage provides multi-language transcripts of audio announcements.  
  • Flashing red ‘Door Closing’ lights on train doors alert passengers of the imminent closing of train doors. 

To assist Commuters In Wheelchairs:

  • There is at least one barrier-free entrance in every train station and wider fare gates.
  • Accessible elevator service to all levels in the stations.
  • Wheelchair-accessible train carriages feature two wheelchair spaces per train. To locate them, look for wheelchair indicators on the platform floor or screen doors. These indicators are usually near lifts.
  • Wheelchair indicator stickers on trains are beside the wheelchair spaces near train doors.
  • Our staff are here to help. Commuters on wheelchairs can approach our staff to escort them to the platform and arrange for assistance at the destination station.

For the convenience of Pregnant, Elderly or Young Passengers:

  • Designated priority seats near the doors in all train carriages. 

Safety and Security

As part of our commitment to provide safe and reliable public transport services, commuter safety is our top priority. While we have various safety and security measures in our network, commuters also play a part when they travel with us.  

Emergency Equipment in Stations and On-board Trains

  • Articles not exceeding the maximum dimensions (120 x 70 x 40 cm) are allowed onboard trainsBe aware of passengers in wheelchairs and those pushing prams/strollers, carrying foldable bikes and bulky items. 

  • For the comfort and safety of other passengers, please refrain from: 

    • Smoking when inside the station 
    • Roller skating, rollerblading, skateboarding, and riding your bicycle, motorised/electric scooters 
    • Running in the station or on the platform 
  • Flammable liquids and gases are not allowed in the station. 
  • At the fare gate, please allow the commuter in front of you to move off before tapping your card. 
  • While we make every effort to ensure floors are clean and dry, if you do spot a wet area, please report its location to our station staff. 
  • Always use the handrail to maintain your balance, and never ride on the handrail. 

  • Stay clear of the yellow borders on the escalator steps, especially the edges where the steps meet or touch the sides of the escalator as your feet or clothing may get trapped. Always check for loose shoelaces or anything that can be trapped in the moving parts of the escalator before stepping on it. 

  • Always raise your feet and step carefully on or off the escalator. Do not drag or slide your feet off the edge of the escalator. 

  • Do not block the escalator landing. Never stop, stand or play on an escalator landing. 

  • Always supervise children while riding escalators, and hold their hand while riding the escalator. If they are on a pram or stroller, do not use the escalator and use the lift instead. 

  • A moving escalator can be stopped and used as a fixed staircase during emergency evacuations. 

  • Pressing the emergency button located at either ends of the escalator or mid-way incline section stops the escalator. 

  • Please use the lift if you have limited physical abilities or mobility, are carrying bulky items, pushing prams/strollers or are feeling unwell. 

  • In a power failure or when the fire alarm is activated, the lift will stop at street level. Exit quickly in a calm and orderly manner. 

  • When the train doors open, please stand within the queue lines and allow passengers to alight before boarding. Do not rush to board the train when the doors are closing, and wait for the next train instead. 

  • When boarding and alighting the train, please mind the gap between the platform edge and the train. If you are caught in the gap, remain calm and alert other commuters to press the Emergency Stop Plunger or the Emergency Train Stop located on a wall or pillar at the station platform. This will prevent the train from moving off. 

  • If your items have fallen onto the tracks, please do not attempt to retrieve them, and seek assistance from our station staff. 

  • Please keep yourself and your belongings clear of the doors upon entering and when exiting the train car. 

  • Move to the centre of the train car upon boarding to facilitate commuter traffic in and out of the train.

  • For your safety, hold the grab poles or hand straps at all times.
  • Do not lean against the train doors or the door to the train captain’s cabin, which is located at both ends of the train (for North-South and East-West Lines). 

  • Do not bring flammable liquids and gases onboard the train. 

  • Please keep prams/strollers, bags and luggage out of the way of fellow commuters. These must never block walkways and doorways. 

  • If you are caught between train doors, remain calm and alert other commuters to press the emergency communication button to inform the train captain. The train will not depart if its doors are not fully closed. 

  • Press the red Emergency Communications Button (ECB) located beside the train door to speak to our staff. Speak into the intercom and report the type of incident. 

  • To find out which train car you are travelling on, look for the four-digit number located near the gangway between train cars.

  • Stay calm, listen to the public address announcements, and follow instructions given by our staff. 

  • Please assist and give way to children, pregnant women, the elderly and disabled passengers. 

  • In the event of a fire or explosion, the fare gates will be opened to facilitate evacuation. You do not need to tap your card as you pass through it. Depart the station through the designated exits, and leave congested areas and stations. 

  • Stay calm and wait for in-train announcements. Follow the instructions given by our staff. 

  • Emergency lights and ventilation for in train air circulation will be activated and this will last for 45 minutes. 

  • Walk in an orderly fashion to the emergency exits located at both ends of the train. Please assist and give way to children, pregnant women, the elderly and disabled passengers. 

  • Never attempt to jump from a train car to the tracks by forcing open the train doors. The train is 1.2m above the ground and you may hurt yourself. Do not step out onto the tracks unless instructed by our staff as the power rail may still be ‘live’ and passengers risk being electrocuted. 

  • Smashing the windows is discouraged. This is especially dangerous in the event of a chemical attack. 

  • To speak to our staff, press the red Emergency Communications Button (ECB) located beside the train door and speak into the intercom. 

  • If you are on the LRT, our control centre staff will bring the train to the nearest station for passengers to alight. If this is not possible, our staff will attend to the problem on-site, or guide passengers to the nearest station along the emergency walkway. 

  • Should you need to activate the Emergency Detrainment Ramp, proceed to the train captain’s cabin at the front end of the train. Follow instructions located on the door leading to the train captain's cabin. For the Circle Line, the ramp is located at both ends of the train. 

  • Push out the plastic window, pull down the red lever and enter the train captain’s cabin. 

  • Lift the two red handles on both sides of the Emergency Detrainment Ramp. Push the ramp forward, walk down the ramp and flip the second leaf over. 

  • Walk down the extended ramp onto the track, and walk along the tracks to the nearest station. 


Yes, if it is for personal use and all photographs and videos are taken at public access areas for non-commercial purposes.  

If you are using the photographs and/ or videos for commercial or any other purposes such as academic projects, media productions or wedding photo shoots, please seek our prior written approval before proceeding. 

While photography and videography are allowed to be taken at public access areas, our Transit staff may conduct checks and interviews to ensure that photograph(s)/video(s) taken are not malicious in nature or intended for use in criminal activities. Our Transit staff reserve the right to stop the activities and may request for specific or whole photographs and video recordings to be deleted due to operational and security reasons.   

You may send your request to clearly the date and time, specific venue, purpose of your filming or photography session, duration, size of crew and list of equipment involved. A minimum of 15 working days is required to review your request. This includes facilitating necessary clearances before we are able to assist with arrangements for the filming or photography session. 

We reserve the right to refuse permission to film or photograph in our network without providing specific reasons, but we will normally offer advice on how your script can be worked to obtain approvals. There may be fees imposed on filming or photography of a commercial/trade nature. 

Filming and photography for commercial or non-personal use can only be done on weekdays, excluding Public Holidays, and between 10am and 4pm.  

Individuals should exercise care and ensure that it does not cause inconvenience and/or danger to all SMRT staff and commuters, or hinder commuter movement within SMRT premises. In the event of any dispute, decisions and actions taken by our station and security staff shall be final. 

The temperature is set at 24°C +/- 2°C for trains on the North-South , East-West, Circle and Thomson-East Coast lines and 21°C  +/- 2°C for the Bukit Panjang LRT. As we adopt eco-friendly practices whenever possible, we ensure the temperature we set strikes an optimal balance between your comfort and energy efficiency. Our Train Captains are unable to manually adjust the temperatures. 

The air-conditioning is controlled by thermostats that regulate and control the temperature in each train car. However, external factors such as longer stops at stations may result in hot air entering the vehicles. Higher passenger load during peak hours can also lead to warmer conditions. When this happens, it will take longer for the space to cool down and for the temperature to return to the desired level. 

General preventive maintenance, comprising functional and visual checks, are done every three weeks. Twice a year, we also do detailed checks on aircon components. 

Note down the train car number (it’s the four-digit number near the gangway between cars), date and time, and inform our station staff. You may also reach us through our SMRT SNAP-REP (Snap and Report) WhatsApp service or drop us a line with details of the faulty aircon. 

Track maintenance is an important aspect of SMRT’s rail operations, and it is done daily to ensure commuters can enjoy a safe and comfortable ride in our network. In the last few years, we have significantly increased the number of train trips to meet commuters’ demand for higher train frequency.  

This also means we have to step up track maintenance activities, such as rail grinding and rail replacement involving heavy machinery, hammering, cutting and/or joining rails with use of a generator to provide power. Occasionally, we employ a Tunnel Ventilation Fan to provide ventilation for tunnel work. All these activities can cause considerable noise. However, we assure residents living in affected vicinities that every effort is made to minimise inconvenience.  

Tracks can only be maintained after passenger service hours, as any maintenance during passenger service hours will disrupt service and inconvenience commuters. When the train network closes, our maintenance staff have less than four hours (between 1am and 4.30am) to complete these works.  

We do a couple of things, mostly in preventive maintenance. In wheel profiling, we grind the wheels daily to maintain an even roundness and diameter for each wheel to allow the trains to travel smoothly and with less noise. Train wheels are also mounted with sound absorbers to reduce screeching sounds. 

One of the biggest contributors of track noise is uneven track surface. To rectify this, we use a Rail Grinding Vehicle to grind track surface for smoother and less noisy train operations. Typically, a section of a track is ground every six to 12 months. 

Track defects can also lead to noise, so our staff inspect the tracks everyday. To do this more efficiently, we invested in a high-tech automatic track inspection system called Rail Vision, which allows us to continuously monitor track conditions, even during train operating hours. 

Yes. SMRT has worked with the Land Transport Authority to establish a monitoring system to measure the noise generated by trains at selected locations close to major residential estates. The measurements are taken every three months. With the results, we can identify locations where the noise levels are close to the guidelines set, and prioritise preventive maintenance works at these locations to ensure these guidelines are not breached. 

Immediately after track grinding, the initial noise level will be louder as it takes a while for the new grinding marks on the track surface to smoothen out. To reduce inconvenience to residents, track grinding works in both directions along the affected particular sections are completed within a couple of days with minimal time lapse. 

Commuters can carry personal mobility devices (PMDs) and foldable bicycles on board public transport. There will be visual aids at train stations to help commuters gauge if their devices fit the size limit. For more details on the size limit, please refer to LTA’s guidelines for more information 

Note that station staff may not allow foldable bicycles on board if a situation does not permit them to be admitted safely and without inconveniencing other commuters.  

You must fold your PMD/bicycle, to prevent it from being a tripping hazard for other commuters. You are allowed to push your PMD/bicycle in the train stations, so long as it remains folded. 

Assistance & Accessibility

To assist Visually Impaired Commuters:

  • Tactile ground surface indicators at bus interchanges guide visually impaired commuters. 
  • NaviLens app is available in the bus interchanges to help visually impaired commuters navigate with audio assistance and coloured tags.
  • Guide dogs are allowed on buses and must be at the handler's side at all times.
  • Our staff are here to help. Please do not hesitate to approach our staff for assistance.

To assist Commuters In Wheelchairs:

  • All our bus services are Wheelchair Accessible. If you are unsure, look for a blue decal of a passenger-in-wheelchair displayed at the front of the bus.
  • Special Wheelchair Accessible Bus boarding berths with ramps, guard rails, directional and indicative signs, and staff assistance call buttons for commuters in wheelchairs at Choa Chu Kang and Woodlands interchanges. 
  • Elevators that serve both levels of the Woodlands Interchange and the train station.
  • Wheelchair accessible toilets are available in all bus interchanges.
  • Our staff are here to help. Our Bus Captains are trained to aid passengers-in-wheelchair when needed. They can operate the ramps on the Wheelchair Accessible Buses for boarding and alighting.
  • When alighting, passengers-in-wheelchair should press the blue button to alert our Bus Captain. 

For the convenience of Pregnant, Elderly or Young Passengers:

  • Designated priority seats near the doors in all buses.
  • Special features on all our buses allow passengers with limited mobility to board and move to the back of the bus easily and swiftly. Buses have full low floor right through to the rear, low steps at the entrance and exit, and full side kneeling capability.
  • Wayfinding signage is available at our interchanges to assist elderly and dementia commuters with correlating bus service numbers to boarding berths. The signage use fruit-themed visual cues to provide clear and easy-to-understand directions. 

Safety and Security

As part of our commitment to provide safe and reliable public transport services, commuter safety is our top priority. While we have various safety and security measures in our network, commuters also play a part when they travel with us.  

Emergency Equipment on Our Buses

  • Do not walk in the bus park. It is meant for Bus Captains’ use only. 

  • Be considerate and queue when waiting for the bus. 

  • Assist or give way to the elderly, disabled, pregnant women and young children when boarding the bus. 

  • For commuters in wheelchairs, please allow the Bus Captain some time to deploy the boarding ramp for you. 

  • For your safety, please stand on the pavement behind the yellow lines. Children should be supervised at all times. 

  • Flag the bus in advance to give the driver ample time to see you and stop. Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching it. 

  • Please board the bus in an orderly manner and do not push other passengers. Do assist or allow the elderly, disabled, pregnant women and young children to board the bus first. 

  • Do not board the bus when the doors are closing, and only board from the front doors. 

  • For commuters in wheelchairs, please allow the Bus Captain some time to deploy the boarding ramp for you. 

  • After boarding the bus and paying for your fare, please move to the rear where possible, to allow other passengers to board. Do not block the entrance or exit of the bus, do not stand on the steps, and be mindful of the opening and closing of the doors. 

  • For your safetyhold on to the seat handlebar at the front or side when seated. If you’re standing, please hold on to the hand grips or stanchion pole for your safety. 

  • For commuters in wheelchairs, please position your wheelchair at the wheel chair zone with your back against the cushion. If you have a care giver, do brief them these safety pointers. 

  • To minimise obstruction to other commuters, please ensure that your bags, luggage, prams/strollers do not block the walkways and doorways. 

  • Please offer your seat to those who need it more than you, especially the elderly, handicapped, pregnant women or children. 

  • Please supervise children at all times in the bus. 

  • Do not eat, drink, litter or smoke while on the bus. 

  • To alight, press the bell once in advance. Give the driver ample notice and time to pull into the bus stop. 

  • Let the bus come to a complete stop before alighting. For your safety, never force the doors open. Do not alight if the doors are closing. Press the bell to alert the Bus Captain. 

  • Please report any unusual incidents or sightings on board the bus to our Bus Captains. 

  • If you have left your belongings on the bus, please lodge a Lost & Found report here or at our Passenger Service Offices. 

When travelling with us, you may encounter TransCom Police Officers and Certis Cisco Transit Security Officers. These security personnel help to keep our network safe by conducting bag checks, patrols, and staying vigilant to the interchange surroundings.

Do not be alarmed if you are being stopped by these officers – they are doing their part in keeping our network safe and secure. When approached, please extend your full cooperation to the officers.

We Need Your Help!

It is not possible for our staff to be present everywhere in our stations and interchanges, and neither is it feasible for us to be screening every person who enters our network. We cannot do it on our own.

We all have a part to play to keep our network safe for everyone. If you see suspicious items or behavior, report it immediately to our staff.

How do you determine a suspicious package? Here are some guidelines:

  • Does the item look like it is intentionally hidden?
  • Does the item seem suspicious (e.g. wiring, ticking sound, oily patches)?
  • Does the item look out of place?

When observing a suspicious person, the following details will help our staff:

  • Number of people, gender, age, and physical description (e.g. hairstyle, clothes, any other distinctive features)
  • Description of what the person is doing, and if they are carrying anything
  • Current location of the person


Yes, if it is for personal use and all photographs and videos are taken at public access areas for non-commercial purposes.  

If you are using the photographs and/ or videos for commercial or any other purposes such as academic projects, media productions or wedding photo shoots, please seek our prior written approval before proceeding. 

While photography and videography are allowed to be taken at public access areas, our Transit staff may conduct checks and interviews to ensure that photograph(s)/video(s) taken are not malicious in nature or intended for use in criminal activities. Our Transit staff reserve the right to stop the activities and may request for specific or whole photographs and video recordings to be deleted due to operational and security reasons.   

You may send your request to, indicating clearly the date and time, specific venue, purpose of your filming or photography session, duration, size of crew and list of equipment involved. A minimum of 15 working days is required to review your request. This includes facilitating necessary clearances before we are able to assist with arrangements for the filming or photography session. 

We reserve the right to refuse permission to film or photograph in our network without providing specific reasons, but we will normally offer advice on how your script can be worked to obtain approvals. There may be fees imposed on filming or photography of a commercial/trade nature. 

Filming and photography for commercial or non-personal use can only be done on weekdays, excluding Public Holidays, and between 10am and 4pm.  

Individuals should exercise care and ensure that it does not cause inconvenience and/or danger to all SMRT staff and commuters, or hinder commuter movement within SMRT premises. In the event of any dispute, decisions and actions taken by our station and security staff shall be final.

The temperature is set at 22 degrees Celsius. As we adopt eco-friendly practices whenever possible, we ensure the temperature we set strikes an optimal balance between your comfort and energy efficiency.

In some bus models, our Bus Captains can adjust the aircon fan speed to help circulate cool air within the bus. Some buses are fitted with an intelligent climate control system that automatically adjusts fan speed to circulate cool air during warm days, and bring the temperature to its optimal level.

The air-conditioning is controlled by thermostats that regulate and control the temperature in each bus. However, external factors such as longer stops at bus stops may result in hot air entering the vehicles. Higher passenger load during peak hours can also lead to warmer conditions. When this happens, it will take longer for the space to cool down and for the temperature to return to the desired level.

Aircon maintenance is carried out once every three months. The regime includes inspection, adjustment of compressors and blower motors, cleaning of aircon ducts, louvers, air filters, evaporator coils and condenser coils and topping up of refrigerant gas and lubricating oil. Any repairs or component replacements required are completed before the bus is sent out for passenger service. The cabin temperature is also checked with a thermometer to make sure it is within the optimal range. 

Please inform our Bus Captain immediately. You may also drop us a line with details of the faulty aircon.

Commuters can carry personal mobility devices (PMDs) and foldable bicycles on board public transport. There will be visual aids at bus interchanges to help commuters gauge if their devices fit the size limit. Please refer to LTA’s guidelines for more information. 

Note that Bus Captains may not allow foldable bicycles on board if a situation does not permit them to be admitted safely and without inconveniencing other commuters. 

PMDs/foldable bicycles should be carried in an upright position, and folded to prevent them from being a tripping hazard for other commuters. You are allowed to push your PMD/bicycle in the bus interchanges, so long as it remains folded. 

Unlike a train, the available space on a bus is more limited. Hence, it will be more challenging to accommodate more than one foldable bicycle/PMD without inconveniencing other commuters, especially during peak hours.

Buses’ travelling speed is monitored and regulated so that buses arrive at bus stops as scheduled.  

Varying traffic conditions may result in buses being ahead of or behind schedule. For the benefit of passengers at the next bus stop, Bus Captains may regulate their speed in order to adhere closely to the bus schedule and also ensure that the headway between buses is kept constant. 

Traffic conditions, as well as other factors such as road closure, weather and accidents, affect bus schedules. Buses may end up ahead of or behind schedule as a consequence. Two buses of the same service may arrive at the bus stop around the same time as a result of one bus being delayed or reaching the bus stop a little earlier than scheduled. 

Rest assured that buses are monitored and travelling speeds are adjusted to keep to the planned bus schedules, so commuters can enjoy a smooth and pleasant journey. 

As part of our effort to create a more inclusive transport system, SMRT Buses has wheelchair accessible buses (WABs), with plans to increase this number in the coming years. The WAB services are distinguished with a blue icon of a passenger-in-wheelchair displayed at the front of the bus. Two large decals are also placed at the front doors of WAB services advising other passengers to be patient while our Bus Captain serves the passenger-in-wheelchair first. Each WAB service can accommodate 1-2 passengers-in-wheelchair. 

A passenger-in-wheelchair can locate the special boarding berth at the interchange by following directional signs with the blue icon of passenger-in-wheelchair. Upon reaching the special boarding berth, the passenger should use the call button to speak to interchange staff for assistance. The passenger should indicate which WAB service he wishes to board, and staff would assist him to board the bus when it calls at the berth. 

The commuter will be able to board the bus with the help of our Bus Captain, who will: 

  • Stop the bus closer to the kerb at the bus stop 
  • Allow other passengers on board to alight first 
  • Bring down the ramp at the exit door for the passenger-in-wheelchair to board the bus 
  • Ensure passenger-in-wheelchair is secured in their seat, and help them tap in or pay the fare in cash before stowing the ramp to its original position 
  • Subsequently open the front door to allow other passengers to board the bus, and continue the journey. 

Bus schedules will not be affected as we have made provisions for passenger-in-wheelchair activities. However, we appeal for understanding that if passenger activities are heavier than usual, slight delays may occur. 

We seek the cooperation of passengers on board to make space for the passenger-in-wheelchair. We also seek the understanding of our passenger-in-wheelchair to wait for the next WAB should the bus be too crowded to board. 

No. Due to safety reasons, please seek help from our Bus Captains who will operate the ramp for passengers-in-wheelchairs when boarding or alighting. 

Please refer to the Bus e-guide. As far as it is operationally possible, we will ensure that every alternate bus on a WAB service is wheelchair accessible. 

Each of our WABs can accommodate two passengers-in-wheelchair. For safety reasons, we seek the understanding of any other passengers-in-wheelchair to wait for the next WAB. As far as it is operationally possible, we will ensure that every alternate bus on a WAB service is wheelchair accessible one. 

More than 90% of the bus stops along the WAB service routes are wheelchair accessible. 

Yes, our WABs may ply non-WAB service routes. Look out for the blue icon of a passenger-in-wheelchair displayed at the front of the bus. These decals will be removed from a WAB that is running on a non-WAB service route. There are a few ways that passengers can find out more about SMRT WAB services. 

At the bus interchanges, refer to information available, ask our bus interchange staff for assistance or proceed directly to the special boarding berth by following the blue icon. 

The ramp in our WAB is designed specifically to accommodate passengers-in-wheelchairs. As our WABs are designed with low floor boards, they should be able to accommodate the needs of commuters with prams or trolleys without the need to use the ramp. We seek the understanding of our passengers to ensure that their prams or trolleys are folded and stored away properly so that they do not block the bus aisle. 

The new WABs have a low floorboard and flat surface in the front portion to facilitate the boarding of passengers-in-wheelchairs. Our WABs are also designed with a kneeling device that can lower the front entrance of the bus or the whole bus, making it easier for the elderly and less mobile to board. 

Due to the design of such low floorboard buses, it is necessary to include a step at the rear of the bus to accommodate the engine compartment. We would like to assure you that our buses are in compliance with the necessary regulations and have undergone stringent checks. 

Open strollers are now allowed on buses in an effort to create a public transport network that is more accessible, convenient and user-friendly for all, including families with young children. Parents/caregivers are responsible for the child’s safety throughout the journey. 

WABs are designed for easier boarding and have more space available. Non-WABs do not have any designated wheelchair space to stow the strollers, which may cause obstruction and inconvenience to other passengers. However, we would like to give parents and caregivers flexibility to board a non-WAB if the available space permits and the stroller can fit through the door and aisle. Parents and caregivers may be asked by the Bus Captain to fold the stroller if there is insufficient space, or if the stroller is causing obstruction. 

The ramp is catered specifically for passengers in wheelchairs. However, the Bus Captain has the discretion to deploy the ramp if he/she finds it unsafe for the parents/caregivers to carry the open stroller onto the bus without using the ramp.

Parents/caregivers can approach the Bus Captain if they require assistance. We do not expect there to be undue impact on the workload of the Bus Captain. However, as the journey may be slightly delayed due to the boarding and alighting, we seek the understanding of the other commuters to help create a more inclusive public transport system to cater to the needs of various commuter groups.

Depending on their size, it is possible to have more than one open stroller at the designated wheelchair space of a Wheelchair Accessible Bus (WAB). Should there be insufficient space, the Bus Captain can request for the subsequent parents/caregivers to fold their strollers. Parents/caregivers are responsible for the child’s safety throughout the journey. 

An open stroller is allowed on the bus provided there is sufficient space available in the designated wheelchair space. Should there be insufficient space, the Bus Captain can request for the parents/caregivers to fold their strollers. Passengers-in-wheelchair will be given priority on WABs. For safety reasons, we seek the understanding of parents with open strollers to wait for the next WAB if there is insufficient space in the designated wheelchair space, in our efforts to promote a more inclusive public transport system. 

Parents/caregivers who wish to bring open strollers on buses can refer to LTA for more information. 

A Personal Mobility Aid (PMA) is a mobility device (with at least 3-wheels) that assist a physically-challenged person to travel. Wheelchair and mobility scooters are some of the common PMAs. 

For your own safety, you are only allowed to board wheelchair-accessible buses (WABs) with your wheelchair or personal mobility aid. The WABs are designed for easier boarding and have more space available. They can be recognised by the wheelchair decal displayed on the front windscreen. The ramp is catered specifically for passengers-in-wheelchair and passengers using Personal Mobility Aid.

The wheelchair/Personal Mobility Aid (PMA) should not exceed 1,200 mm (length) and 700 mm (width). The total weight of the wheelchair/PMA and its user should also not exceed load limit of 300kg for the safe operation of the ramp.

Passenger using wheelchair/PMA is advised to board wheelchair-accessible buses as they are designed for easier boarding and have more space available. They can be recognised by the wheelchair decal displayed on the front windscreen. 

Passenger using wheelchairs or Personal Mobility Aids will be assisted by the Bus Captain to board the bus from the rear door. 

At bus interchanges, please wait at the priority queues/zones or next to the queues. Passenger in wheelchair/Personal Mobility Aid (PMA) will be given priority, followed by parent/caregiver with stroller and then other passengers. 

At bus stops, passenger in wheelchair or with PMAs will be given priority and the remaining passengers will board on a first-come, first-served basis. 

Most of the bus stops in Singapore are wheelchair accessible but some of them (such as those located at five-foot ways) may not be barrier-free/wheelchair accessible. Due to safety reasons, passenger in wheelchair and with Personal Mobility Aid will not be allowed to board and alight at these bus stops. For such situation, signage has been installed to enable passengers to identify an inaccessible bus-stop. 

It depends on the number of designated wheelchair space available on the bus. If there are two designated wheelchair space on the bus and one of them is unoccupied as in this case, you may board the bus. However, if there is only 1 designated wheelchair space and it is already occupied by another passenger in wheelchair or with Personal Mobility Aid, please wait for the next wheelchair-accessible bus. 

Passenger using wheelchair/Personal Mobility Aid (PMA) will be assisted by the Bus Captain to board the bus from the rear door. Similar to a wheelchair, the PMA shall be positioned facing the rear of the bus in the designated wheelchair space, with the brakes applied. Passenger in wheelchair or with PMA should hold onto the handrails at all times.

Wheelchair/PMA should not be positioned along the aisle or in any other location that obstructs the entry/exit of passengers on the bus. 

If the bus is very crowded and there is no space for the Personal Mobility Aid in the designated wheelchair space, we seek your understanding to wait for the next wheelchair-accessible bus. 

Public transport is essential for passengers with mobility difficulties and existing medical condition to live independently. We seek your understanding and patience to help create a more accessible and inclusive public transport system to cater to the needs of various commuter groups such as passenger in wheelchair or with Personal Mobility Aid. 

The Conditions of Carriage (CoC) are guidelines on passenger behaviour onboard public buses, in the following areas:

a.      Orderly and decent passenger conduct;

b.      Safe conduct;

c.      Maintaining public health and cleanliness; and

d.      Ensuring gracious and inclusive public transport journeys.


The CoC will require public bus passengers to behave in a safe, civilised and gracious manner without causing nuisance or annoyance to other passengers.


It will act as a contractual agreement between the public bus operators and passengers for the transport service rendered through the payment of fares or free concessionary travel.


Similar CoCs have been introduced by overseas public transport authorities and public transport operators, such as in New Zealand and the United Kingdom.


Please click here for more information on CoC.