
As a responsible corporate citizen, we recognise our responsibility in upkeeping the highest standards of governance and corporate practices.

Sustainability is a collective responsibility that relies on collaboration and transparency among all stakeholders in our value chain.  

Here at SMRT, supply chain management is essential in allowing us to establish strong ties with our suppliers. We believe in engaging suppliers who are aligned with SMRT’s strategic goals (including ESG), holding them to strict standards to minimise harm to our entire value chain.  

All prospective and existing suppliers are also provided with and informed about the SMRT Supplier Code of Conduct (SCOC), which they are expected to abide by and to make every effort to minimise the environmental impact and avoid negative social effects arising from their business activities. We have also taken proactive steps to organise tri-annual workshops aimed at educating our value chain partners and enhancing their understanding of Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions accounting. 

For tenders of value more than S$1 million, we have implemented a mandatory Sustainable Procurement Checklist, where 5% of the scoring weightage is given to ESG factors. This serves to ensure sustainability considerations are included in sourcing requirements, and to emphasise the importance and impact of life-cycle costing and management in sustainable procurement. 

Integrity is a core value at SMRT and we declare our commitment to achieving the ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management Systems StandardThis isn’t just a certification; it’s a testament to our dedication to a culture of transparency, ethical conduct, and zero tolerance for bribery

Our corporate governance practices must continue to evolve in order to remain relevant to the times and so we have incorporated a Whistle-blowing Policy and made channels available for reporting in confidence, unethical or illegal acts. 

The Whistle-blowing Policy encourages the reporting in good faith any actual or suspected improper conduct as listed below: 

  • Theft or misappropriation of the Company’s assets or funds 

  • Corruption and bribery 

  • Dishonest and Fraudulent acts 

  • Failure to comply with laws and regulations 

  • Serious breaches of the company’s policy and code of conduct 

  • Questionable accounting or auditing matters 

The Company will use all reasonable endeavours, within the limits of applicable laws and regulations, to ensure that the whistle-blowers and persons involved in investigations are not subjected to unfair reprisals and/or detrimental action (“Protected Disclosure”).