Sustainability At SMRT

Our vision goes beyond business; it's a pledge to make a positive impact, foster sustainability, and contribute to the global well-being outlined by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). By aligning our sustainability efforts with the UN SDGs, we aim to actively incorporate and work towards the achievement of these global goals in our business practices, strategies, and initiatives. 

Our focus extends to areas such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting social inclusivity, enhancing public transportation accessibility, and fostering community resilience. Through strategic initiatives and partnerships, we are committed to driving positive impact and advancing progress towards a more sustainable future for all. 


  • In FY2023/24, reduce water consumption by 5%, compared to previous year
  • In FY2023/24, reduce paper consumption by 15%, compared to previous year
  • Target to increase current solar generation by at least another 50% by end of 2026
  • Convert SMRT’s vehicle fleet to green vehicles by 2030
  • Achieve net zero by 2050
  • Reduce Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions by 1.5%, compared to a BAU scenario


  • Zero Major Injury / Fatality
  • Workplace Injury Rate: < 466 per 100,000 workers for FY2023/24

  • Continue to maintain below industry-average employee turnover rate 

  • Maintain current score or have higher rating for PTC Customer Satisfaction Survey (PTCSS) 

  • Educational outreach to 92 schools 


  • Zero incidents of corruption 

  • Zero incidents of significant non-compliance with laws or regulations  

  • Zero incidents relating to data breaches of personal data or company-related confidential data  

  • Apply Sustainability weightage of 5% for tenders > S$1m 

Our Climate Transition Strategy

We aim to reduce our environmental impact by offering low carbon travel options for commuters, promoting green solutions and public transport use over private vehicles. Our goal is to cut our carbon emissions in half by 2030, aligning with Temasek’s goals. Looking further ahead, we're committed to achieving Net Zero by 2050 to support Singapore’s climate goals.

  • Base year - 2010

    Being a transportation provider, we understand that our sector is one of the largest contributors to anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.


    SMRT emitted about 0.571 million tonnes of GHG emission in 2010. We regard this as a call to action, one that requires a transition roadmap setting forth decarbonisation as our business imperative.


  • Current - 2021 to 2025

    We are on track to reducing emissions via electrification of our taxi fleet, installing renewable energy infrastructure and providing comprehensive solutions for electric mobility and sustainable transportation.

    Increase in solar energy by installing solar panels at 9 MRT stations
    Power Purchase Agreement for Bishan Depot Solar Photovoltaic (PV) system
    ChargeECO - Building of EV Chargers and providing EV charging services
    Achieve SEC’s GreenDNA Certification for Ulu Pandan Depot


  • Moving forward - 2026 to 2030

    Forging ahead, we have plans to “green” all our vehicle fleets, enter into energy-related agreements and continue building our renewable energy capabilities whilst exploring alternative energy sources.

    Converting vehicle fleet to green vehicles by 2030
    Power Purchase Agreements
    Increase solar generation by 50% by 2026
    Renewable Energy Certifications
    Explore use of alternative energy


  • 2030 and beyond

    We anticipate a future where our operations are powered by clean and alternative energy supported by carbon credits and renewable technologies, fortifying our commitment to emissions reduction.

    EMA’s plan to supply 50% of Singapore’s power needs with Hydrogen by 2050
    Next-generation geothermal and nuclear energy to supply up to 10% of nation’s need by 2050